Hella Love


cinematography by Andrés Gallegos.
produced Darren Colston, Shana Lancaster, Shaunnah Ray, Yvan Iturriaga and Dania Cabello.

Hella Love is an episodic anthology that comes to life in many forms - through short narratives, docs, music videos, and experimental films. 

Our team seeks to radically reimagine the ways our community can engage in the process of film production, from concept to screen, as a way to disrupt the structural erasure, exploitation, and appropriation of our stories. We want to curate a visual tapestry of Oakland’s past, present, and future that is made and imagined by locals, regardless of professional filmmaking experience. We believe there is a need, and a way, to make the tools of high-quality filmmaking accessible to tell the stories of how Black and Brown residents find, make, and reclaim love in Oakland.
